Give credit where credit is due
Without the following open-source software and free utilities, this site would probably be painstakingly and tediously assembled by hand.
According to Harvard Business Review, the digital ecomony runs on free and open source software, so get out there and donate to your favorite projects! Or better yet, write some yourself.
Without further ado…
- This is my own Tailwind CSS theme, but I drew inspiration from the Tailwind UI Commit template
- Static website generation: Astro
- Logo font: Arcade by Yuji Adachi
- Header font: Montserrat by Julieta Ulanovsky, Sol Matas, Juan Pablo del Peral, and Jacques Le Bailly
- Base font: Inter by Rasmus Andersson
- Server infrastructure: Home Server (proxied by Cloudflare)
- Operating system: Ubuntu Linux (Noble Numbat)
- Web server: NGINX